Work With Us
Posted 2/8/2023
Job Title: Field Operator
Job Summary:
Field Operator will be responsible for all field work: planting, cultivating (weed management), fertility management, cover crops, maintenance (mowing and equipment), and irrigation.
This position has potential to be long term for the right person to transition into ownership. We are also offering the potential for this position to be part of the Wisconsin Organic Farm Manager Apprenticeship if more skills and competencies need to be met. We are seeking creative ways in which to transition the farm for the right person(s).
Major Duties
· Preparing fields for planting and transplanting
· Cultivating for weed control
· Preparing for plastic culture crops; laying plastic, drip, maintaining aisles
· Monitoring and spraying crops for insect and disease prevention
· Leading weeding crews
· Irrigation set up and monitoring
· Soil testing and fertility amendments
· Compost turning and application
· Planting and maintaining annual and perennial cover crops
· Maintaining records for Organic Certification requirements
· Maintaining and recording Turtle Creek records as related to field work
· General equipment maintenance
· Assisting in other farm tasks as needed
Hours and Compensation
40-50 hours/week from April 1-November 15
Payrate: $15/hour-$18/hour with experience; following probation period year-round salary will be negotiable. Eager trainee $15/hour with a probation period and participation in the Wisconsin Organic Vegetable Farming Apprenticeship Program.
Contact: Farm Manager Janet Gamble janetmariegamble[at] with cover letter and 3 references (at least one related to farming)
Job Title: Field Crew
Job Summary: Field Crew employees will lead harvests, weeding and transplanting during the vegetable growing season from April through mid-November. Crews consist of seasonal workers and worker shares. Field crew members will follow crop plan and weekly harvest schedules for CSA and direct markets. This position is also required to have flexibility to perform tasks as needed such as CSA pack out, assisting Field Operator with irrigation, and tending to perennial plantings which includes: pruning and mulching in the spring, high tunnel soil preparation, planting and trellising tomatoes. This is a small farm and requires all employees to “jump in” as needed. Emphasis is on taking leadership with crews, harvesting to meet industry standards, and quality control.
Major Duties:
· Prepare crew and supplies before heading out to the field
· Direct crews for harvesting, weeding, and transplanting
· Keep track of all harvest equipment after use
· Keep bins supplied with rubber bands and twist-ties
· Clean and put tools away at the end of each day
· Assist with CSA pack out
· Assist with washing and packing as needed
· Keep track of lot numbers with every crop harvested and keep records filled i.e., yields, harvest, destination
· Report insect or disease issues and weed pressure as observed to farm manager
· Spray crops and fields, with organic pesticides and biodynamic field sprays. This will be a shared responsibility with Field Operator and Farm Manager.
Hours and Compensation: Compensation will be commensurate with experience and whether housing is needed $12-$14/hour.
Contact: Farm Manager Janet Gamble janetmariegamble[at] with cover letter and 3 references (at least one related to farming)